Buddha was born in Lumbini, a town in the southern plains of Nepal. It is a revered site and visited by both Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. A tour of the World Heritage Site of ancient Lumbini is a step back in time to a spiritually significant location-- where one of the most prominent religous figures in time was born. The following are two stories about the Buddha written by the Secrets of the Himalaya founder, Alonzo Lyons, for the Reality Sandwich website--Jungle Rumble and Home Sweet Home Samsara
If you are inspired to visit the birthplace of Buddha in Lumbini and other sacred locations in Nepal, then please contact an SOH specialist at [email protected] for more details about upcoming pilgrimages, tours and adventures in the paradise of Nepal.
More information on a pligrimmage to the site where Buddha was born can be found here: Lumbini, Birthplace of Buddha Tour